"To Act as if a child's life depends on us."
"I am sorry I wasn't more vigilant", "Public money was misdirected and misused. That's unacceptable."
- Paul Martin testifying at Liberal Government ad scam.
- Scarborough General Hospital investigation reveals ongoing wide spread criminal fraud and corruption. Investigation covered up by administration.
- E.R. shut down, ambulances diverted, lives put at risk by criminal organization.
- Public money still diverted and misused by criminals in 2007.
- Toronto Rehab Hospital together with N.R.C.(Neuro Rehabilitation Consultants), Feldman & Associates Inc. set up fraudulent claims for millions of dollars for an N.R.C. Associates' business partner; who is also an N.R.C. client.
- S.G.H. doctors say, "Patient falsely admitted", "They are convincing liars", "These are criminals".
- Franco Investigations Report reveals fraudulent claimant is owner and actively involved in large company...
- Evidence is given to Ontario Ombudsman Office, File #203137, fraudulent claimant runs large business.
- Ontario Government continues to pay, for years, fraudulent claimant through Ontario Disability Support Program.
Will Leaders of all Political Parties Promise a Judicial Enquiry?
Accountability Now!
Child Protect Canada Inc. is a not-for-profit company dedicated to the protection of children,
bringing accountability to our health system and bringing accountability to improve the lives of Canadians. |